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Ariadna Acevedo-Rodrigo

Dr Ariadna Acevedo-Rodrigo

Bye Fellow; Postdoctoral Bye Fellow in History

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  • PhD in History, University of Warwick
  • MA in History by Research, University of Warwick
  • BSc in Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Research Interests

Social and Political History of Mexico, 1870-1970


Ariadna Acevedo-Rodrigo is a historian of Mexico who works at the intersection of the social and political history of indigenous peoples and global histories of knowledge for the 1870-1970 period.

Her current research project as Marie Sk艂odowska Curie / UKRI Fellow is titled 鈥榃hat Counts as Knowledge? Women Experts and Knowledge Circulation in Education and Development, 1920-1970鈥 (WEKNOW).

She is also Associate Professor of the History of Education and Knowledge at the Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas, Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav) in Mexico City (currently on leave).

Authored work

  • Acevedo-Rodrigo, Ariadna. The Promise and Peril of the Popular. Interpretations of Nineteenth-Century Popular Liberalism in Mexico鈥, Journal of Latin American Studies, 2024, 56, 137鈥160; doi:10.1017/S0022216X24000051


    Acevedo-Rodrigo, Ariadna. Paying for Progress: School Taxes, Municipal Government and Liberal State-Building (Cuetzalan and Huehuetla, Mexico, 1876-1930)鈥, Hispanic American Historical Review, 2019, 99:4, pp. 649-680; doi 10.1215/00182168-7787164


    L贸pez Caballero, Paula and Acevedo-Rodrigo, AriadnaBeyond Alterity. Destabilizing the Indigenous Other in Mexico. Arizona. University of Arizona Press. 2018.  https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt20fw7cq


    Acevedo-Rodrigo, Ariadna and L贸pez Caballero, Paula. Ciudadanos inesperados. Espacios de formaci贸n de la ciudadan铆a ayer y hoy. Mexico. Cinvestav and El Colegio de M茅xico. 2012.


